Tuesday, 11 June 2013

'Manly, yes...but I like it, too'....

A bit early for Father's Day, but...

I admit to being intrigued by colour and patterns.  I found it interesting when I saw the brand marque or badge that is in the above picture.  This company also has a paint colour attached to it- obviously a red.

The company is a agricultural company and I am fortunate to be able to wander tractor lots, just to look around with my family.  I'm pretty sure, I do not see what males see, but I enjoy my wanders!

I know there are tractor brand names with fabric lines, but sometimes, it's nice to think about the farm ladies from long ago (& now, too!) and what they would make special for the males in the family. 

The above is the couplings on the back of a tractor. I see lots of silver and grays with round circles and lots of lines for quilting.  

By taking your camera around where 'the male' likes to go, you will see patterns and colours that they see, making them appreciate that quilt even more.  

Think out side the box.  What does he like to do- and see if there is a possible quilt for him! It doesn't have to be full size, it could be a lap size for the couch or a potholder size.  

There is no right or wrong, it's about cutting into the fabric and see what you can make/create.   

I know the colour of the tractor as Massey-Ferguson Red. 

Have a great day.

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