Exhibitions want people to come and enjoy themselves and see what has been happening in your community but they need people to exhibit their goods too! Cumberland County Exhibition charges a modest $3 per exhibitor and you can fill your sheet up with all kinds of handiwork or just one.
Do not be afraid! All you have to do is show up at the Multipurpose building in Oxford-Sunday, August 24th (today) in the afternoon starting around 1:30pm with your item(s) and the folks that are there will help make sure you enter in the proper classes.
Then you wait all day Monday while the judging happens and the folks sort out all the items and display them with their ribbons. Tuesday is when you can get back into the multipurpose building to see how you did. If you are lucky enough to have a ribbon you can get quite giddy! Other times, you look at your item and compare it to the prize winner and see where there are obvious things that you could do better next year.
The sticky part is, the item will not be available to be picked up until Saturday after the building closes to the public at 8pm, although you may also pick up your item on Sunday. If you need a different pick up date, check with the folks in the handicraft department and see if they can help.
There are over 10 sections in the Quilt Class alone to enter including; machined, group, baby panels, original designs, patchwork and more. In the Seasonal crafts you might enter a tree skirt or wall hanging. In Sewing there are stuffed toys, placemats, apron, clothing articles and more. Knitting, hooked mats, embroidery and photography are all things that can be entered on the one form.
Look around at your items you made this year and see if there is any you would be willing to exhibit! Even if you do not have anything to exhibit this year- try to make time to check out the multipurpose building, see the exhibits, ask to see a list of classes and start planning for next year!
Oh, I nearly forgot....prize winning for the quilt (in each section)..1st- $9.00 2nd- $7.00 3rd- $5.00 .... and you get a ribbon and bragging rights! :)