Thursday, 26 September 2013

Some Silliness for you....

...or a picture is worth a 1000 words!

High Street precuts & yardages by Moda
Fresh, Modern, Playful,
Urban and Chic

Assorted flannels and a flannel panel !
Warm and cosy.
Fairy Frost!
Designed by Mark Hordyszynski
for Michael Miller Fabrics
Mrs P's has a luscious pink available as well...
There are lots of new fabrics arriving.  Please check for opening times under the Shop Hours button { or tab } as the schedule changes weekly. 

For now, I leave you with, maybe, ... a new section? 
 ... Quilts and their cars...

Electric Blue!
Special Thanks to the 1918 Model T & it's owners.

Have a great day!

Thank you for all the words of encouragement and support you have have shown Mrs P's this past month.  It's very humbling.

Monday, 23 September 2013

It's coming !...

NS Fibre Arts Festival

There is lots of activity around Amherst, as we get ready for the Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival!

Dayle's has their ever popular block challenge.  For $2.50 you get a fat quarter of neutral background and about a 6.5 inch square of a basket print to use in your block. 

The theme is 'Harvest Patches' and their colours provide a great starting point.  Add in some of your 'fall-ish' colours and create a mini masterpiece- all in a 12.5 inch square cotton fabric block.  It's an interesting challenge for an experienced or beginner. 

All the entered blocks will be hung on display with numbers and customers will be asked to pick 1 number as their favourite block.  That favourite number will win 20 of the other quilt blocks.  It's a neat contest and it's a great way for people who have never quilted, to have a reason to start. 

Good luck and lots of fun to all of those that have entered, and to those that haven't- what is stopping you? 

On a different note, Mrs Pugsley's Emporium Inc will not be open this Friday and Saturday.  I have a prior commitment this weekend.  I will be open this Wednesday and Thursdays from 10 am to 4:30 pm- closing for an hr lunch break from 1:30 to 2:30pm.

Fabrics in, that I am very excited about...Flannels, High Street and ... Fairy Frost!  Those will be for the next posts. Have a great day.

PS: Mirror Ball Dot or MBD, is also in !  

Monday, 9 September 2013

The Cosmos...

Ever wonder what lies beyond our planet ?...

Super Nova- part of  Cosmos by Benartex
A wonderful collection from Benartex has come in at Mrs. Pugsley's Emporium Inc.  

'The Cosmos' is designed by Maria Kalinowski. 

It's a beautiful collection.  It's 100% cotton and the colours are deep and very rich.

Earth- part of  Cosmos by Benartex
Mrs P, as you are aware, likes purple and orange, so this one is spectacular to her...

Dark Matter- part of The Cosmos by Benartex
              This fabric seems to 'crackle' with 'electricity'! 

Also in stock and part of the The Cosmos collection are 4 more fabrics.  

These three...Aurora in blue/green or purple
and Comets- all part of
The Cosmos Collection by Benartex
And then there is this one...

Solar System-part of The Cosmos by Benartex

How awesome of a collection! 

All are available in Fat quarters (FQ), 1/2m WOF cuts (Flabbie or Fb) and by the metre at Mrs P's.  

Dare to imagine how 'The Cosmos' would truly look.  Create something special!

Monday, 2 September 2013

Open Hours...

For now, I am able to have Mrs Pugsley's Emporium Inc. open...

              Thursday, Friday and Saturday
                     from 2 pm to 4:30 pm

    If you would like to make arrangements for different times, let me know and I will attempt to accommodate you.

   When I am there more than the posted hours, I will hang the Open Sign out ! 

 {Please be advised, that I have a schedule conflict on Friday, Sept 27th and Sat Sept 28th and I will not be open those 2 days. }